Wednesday, March 6, 2013


For this week I worked a lot with re-editing past photos and seeing what photos look good together in a diptch. Below are three diptych images that I created this week, and four images that I edited. This weekend I plan to take new abstract body photos and create new diptychs.



  1. Your work with value and contrast is amazing. The view point really works well with you consentration serius. I enjoy view your photos keep it up , your doing such an amazing job.

  2. I love your shot of the hand. The lighting makes the image intriguing to look at.

  3. There are some nice images here. The scrunched face with the piercing is very clear and is interesting imagery. I think the most effective diptych is the one with the open mouth. The value matches on both sides and you've created intriguing abstraction. I think the profile of the face in the triptych is not effective as abstraction plus the nose is blurry. I would like to see you push yourself more with this series. So far I have not seen a lot of new imagery. Please post on Thursdays or Fridays so I know you have used your entire week for working.
